Building Strong Minds & Bodies
Building Strong Minds & Bodies
Healing for Women
We offer mental and physical activities such as, Yoga Vibrations, Urban Fitness, Mindful Meditation, Self-Care Presentations and Workshops to assist women of ALL ages heal and obtain optimal health. These activities have been proven to combat and release stressors, restore positive energy, and rid the body of toxins.
We design programs for private women groups, organizations, associations, clubs, etc. that are interested in fitness, health, and wellness themes for special events, projects, conventions and more....
Women Community Outreach
Our Community Outreach programs targets non-profit organizations that seek to empower women to commit to obtaining optimal health through exercise and good nutrition.
WELL Women Gathering
Self Care Seminar
The "Well Women " Gathering mission is to create a safe space for women to relax, rejuvenate, restore, and embrace self-care. We advocate for women's mental health, especially women of color. Women of color has the highest statistics of mental health disorders.
"Goddess Festival"
Newcomb Institute @Tulane University
The Goddess Festival was hosted by Tulane University & Necomb Institute. The event was a health and wellness day for Tulane University employees . The event targeted women, especially women of color. The activities consisted of self-care stations, fitness stations, massage therpist, spa treatment and more...This corporate event focused on work life balance.